Unsolicited contact from service providers
Service providers get your information from the fmcsa website. The fmcsa does not care about you or your security so they make your information available to the public. It is illegal to contact you unless you ask to be contacted in most states. If you are contacted by a service provider please report it to us so we can help stop this harassment of truckers facilitated by the fmcsa.
Dispatcher code of conduct
The Dispatchers purpose is to enrich the businesses of the Owner Operators (O/O) we partner with by means of professional service that is both efficient and cost-effective.
● The Dispatcher shall remain professional at all times, with all persons involved in any movement of cargo.
● The Dispatcher agrees that any and all information pertaining to the O/O business is entirely confidential, and will not, under any circumstances, be shared with anyone outside of the contractual parties.
● The Dispatcher will treat the O/O as their equal and a partner in business.
● The Dispatcher will speak with dignity and respect at all times.
● The Dispatcher will be transparent on all fronts with the O/O.
- This includes, but is not limited to, rates, negotiations, special instructions, payments, etc.
● The Dispatcher will treat all parties involved with fairness.
● The Dispatcher will operate at a fair rate at all times, and fulfill the duties of their contract as written.
● The Dispatcher will work in tandem with the O/O in a way that is beneficial to both parties, and remain a supportive member of their business.
● The Dispatcher will only accept payment from the O/O. Furthermore, the Dispatcher will *never* initiate payments from the O/O on their own unless prior written consent is given by the O/O.
● The Dispatcher will have a very thorough understanding of the industry, knowing and understanding what is expected of them by the O/O to conduct business in a professional manner.
● The dispatcher will make the O/O aware of their options for dispatching. Understanding and expressing that services start at 5% and cap at 10%, depending on the services requested by the O/O.
Services start at 5%. The O/O MUST be given this option upon onboarding.
Best Regards,