The National Owner Operators Association

The National Owner Operators Association is a trucking business association created by owner-operators, carriers, and independent truckers with more than 35,000 members that are hard-working men and women that span the entire United States.

United We Bargain | Divided We Beg

Repeal & Replace the 1980 Federal Motor Carrier Act
Vote for Change

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Join us on Facebook at OwnerOperators/No Authority/New Authority And WM Logistics Services LLC/ The National Owner Operators Association.

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NOOA - Owner Operator Truckers Union

Our Mission

Our mission is simple. Support the National Owner Operators Association. Take care of our own. Refuse to do loads that result in losses. Continue to boycott mega brokers like TQL, JB Hunt and CH Robinson. Do not crawl on our knees and beg the federal government for help and embarrass ourselves in Washington, DC. Continue to put pressure on the billion dollar greedy corporations and make them go to Washington and beg for help. They are the ones that Washington cares about, not us.

In the meantime continue to create partnerships with good companies that support truckers. Continue to acquire our own freight through our broker and give that freight to our own members with full transparency and commission caps. Continue to advocate for owner operators and fight carrier 411 and others that are pro broker and here to illegally regulate and hold us down. Create a new standard for mega carriers as well and put an end to shady lease agreements and predatory truck loans.

Create self directed retirement plans funded by ourselves so when owner operators are too old to drive or get forced out by insurance companies they have something to fall back on. We will get this done, it will not be easy and the powers that be are working hard behind the scenes to shut us down. But we are strong and we are united.



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